
Returning a body can be done using return inside a handler. You may also set the body to the ctx.body prop.


You can return simple text using the TextBody class. The optional second argument is the content type:

const { TextBody } = require("routex");
app.get("/", () => {
return new TextBody("Hello world!");
app.get("/html", (ctx) => {
ctx.body = new TextBody(
"<html><body><h1>Hello world!</h1></body></html>",


You can return JSON using the JsonBody class. The optional second argument is the JSON options:

const { JsonBody } = require("routex");
app.get("/", () => {
return new JsonBody({ hello: "world" });
app.get("/pretty", () => {
return new JsonBody({ hello: "world" }, { pretty: true });


You can create your own body type by implementing the Body interface:

class TestBody {
constructor() {
this.body = "test";
this.contentType = "text/plain";
toBuffer = () => {
return Buffer.from(this.body, "utf8");
toString = () => this.body;
app.get("/", (ctx) => {
return new TestBody();
import { IBody } from "routex";
class TestBody implements IBody {
readonly body = "test";
readonly contentType = "text/plain";
toBuffer = () => {
return Buffer.from(this.body, "utf8");
toString = () => this.body;
app.get("/", (ctx) => {
return new TestBody();