
You can use ctx.providers to store providers (for dependency injection). This allows to easily swap out providers (say switching caching service, image host, etc):

const users = {
getUser(id) {
// ...
const app = new Routex({
providers: {
app.get("/", (ctx) => {
const user = ctx.providers.users.getUser(1);
return new JsonBody({ user });

You can also inject new providers in middlewares (the root providers will not be mutated):

const app = new Routex({
providers: {
app.middleware((ctx) => {
ctx.providers.images = {
getImage(id) {
// ...
app.get("/", (ctx) => {
const user = ctx.providers.users.getUser(1);
const image = ctx.providers.images.getImage(1);
return new JsonBody({ user, image });